Mercurial repository conversion

Have you ever needed to split a repository, or take out just a few directories, retaining their history? Or maybe your repo contains too many (possibly unrelated) projects? Or has grown so big that you can’t even clone it?

Configuring mercurial keyring

If you don’t want to type your username and password everytime you do a pull or push to mercurial, you have to store your credentials somewhere. On windows, the commandline hg does not store credentials (you have to enter them every time). If you configure credentials in TortoiseHG, the username and password will be stored in plain-text, in mercurial.ini file. This is not the most secure way to do it, and mercurial will even warn you about that.

Build private mercurial subrepos on Appveyor

Appveyor is a great CI service for Windows apps. It’s simple, free (for open-source) and easy to setup. Sometimes even public, open source projects may want to have private subrepositories. Appveyor supports such a setup and in this post I will show you, how to configure private subrepo for mercruial.